Scripture Verse

Thy will be done. Matthew 6:10


John H. Holmes (1879–1964)
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Words: John H. Holmes, 1910.

Music: St. Le­on­ard (Hiles) Hen­ry Hiles, 1867 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry Hiles (1826–1904)


O God, whose law from age to age
No chance or change can know,
Whose love for­ev­er­more abides,
While eons come and go;
From all the strife of earth­ly life,
To Thine em­brace we flee,
And ’mid our crowd­ing doubts and fears
Would put our trust in Thee.

The winds, Thy faith­ful mes­sen­gers,
Are guid­ed by Thy hand;
Thy min­is­ters, the flames of fire,
Obey Thy stern com­mand;
The seas re­sound with­in the bound
Where Thy do­min­ion reigns,
And wheel­ing plan­ets seek the paths
Thy migh­ty will or­dains.

Thy ho­ly pur­pose moves be­fore
The na­tions on their way,
And leads the stum­bling hosts of men
From dark­ness in­to day.
No cap­tain’s sword, no pro­phet’s word,
But Thy great mer­cy prove;
No clime or kin­dred but at­test
Thy pro­vi­dence of love.

Dear Fa­ther, we would learn to trust
The do­ing of Thy will,
And in Thy per­fect law of love
Our doubts and fears would still.
Help us to know, in joy or woe,
Thy ways are al­ways best,
And we, Thy child­ren ev­er­more,
By Thy great good­ness blest.