Scripture Verse

He rejoiced with all his household that he had believed in God. Acts 16:34


Alfred Scott-Gatty (1847–1918)

Words: Karl J. Spit­ta, in Psal­ter und Harfe (Pir­na, Ger­ma­ny: 1833) (O se­lig Haus). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Sar­ah B. Find­lat­er, Hymns from the Land of Lu­ther, third ser­ies, 1858.

Music: Wel­wyn Al­fred Scott-Gat­ty, in Arun­del Hymns, 1902 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Karl J. Spitta (1801–1859)


O hap­py home, where Thou art loved the dear­est,
Thou lov­ing Friend and Sav­ior of our race,
And where among the guests there nev­er com­eth
One who can hold such high and hon­ored place!

O hap­py home, where two in heart unit­ed
In ho­ly faith and bless­èd hope are one,
Whom death a lit­tle while alone di­vid­eth,
And can­not end the un­ion here be­gun!

O hap­py home, whose lit­tle ones are giv­en
Early to Thee, in hum­ble faith and pray­er,
To Thee, their Friend, who from the heights of Hea­ven
Guides them, and guards with more than mo­ther’s care!

O hap­py home, where each one serves Thee, low­ly,
Whatever his ap­point­ed work may be,
Till ev­ery com­mon task seems great and ho­ly,
When it is done, O Lord, as un­to Thee!

O hap­py home, where Thou art not for­got­ten,
Where joy is ov­er­flow­ing, full and free,
O hap­py home, where ev­ery wound­ed spir­it
Is brought, Phy­si­cian, Com­fort­er, to Thee—

Until at last, when earth’s day’s work is end­ed,
All meet Thee in the bless­èd home above,
From whence Thou cam­est, where Thou hast as­cend­ed,
Thy ev­er­last­ing home of peace and love!