Scripture Verse

Come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20


James M. Gray (1851–1935)

Words: James M. Gray, in Hymns, Psalms and Gos­pel Songs with Re­spon­sive Read­ings, by James Mc­Gra­na­han (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Wi­no­na Pub­lish­ing, 1904), num­ber 439, alt.

Music: Ow­en F. Pugh (🔊 pdf nwc).

Owen F. Pugh (1867–1920)


O dear and longed-for Sav­ior,
When wilt Thou come again?
The pro­mise of Thy com­ing
Awakes one loud Amen!
Our hearts so long have wait­ed,
Our eyes so long have strained!
Why tar­ry so, O cha­ri­ot,
Why are thy wheels re­strained?


Return, Lord Je­sus,
Thy cha­ri­ot wheels run slow!
O hast­en Thine ap­pear­ing,
Thy glo­ry, Thy glo­ry, glo­ry show!

Ten thou­sand hearts are wait­ing,
Ten thou­sand fac­es turn
Up t’ward the clouds of glo­ry,
Thy move­ments to discern.
We heark­en for the trum­pet,
The great arch­an­gel’s voice;
Break forth, O grand ho­san­nas!
Let Heav’n and earth re­joice!


Is yon un­earth­ly glo­ry,
That steals across the sky,
The mar­shal­ing of Thy my­ri­ads,
That tells us Thou art nigh?
Our hearts beat high, Lord Je­sus,
And glad our spir­its rise;
Divide, ye star­ry hea­vens,
Reveal Him to our eyes!
