Scripture Verse

O how love I Thy law! it is my meditation all the day. Psalm 119:97


William Gardiner
British Museum

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Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. De­light in Scrip­ture; or, the Word of God dwell­ing in us.

Music: Gar­di­ner Will­iam Gar­di­ner, 1812 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Isaac Watts (1674–1748)


O how I love Thy ho­ly law!
’Tis dai­ly my de­light;
And thence my me­di­ta­tions draw
Divine ad­vice by night.

My wak­ing eyes pre­vent the day
To me­di­tate Thy Word;
My soul with long­ing melts away
To hear Thy Gos­pel, Lord.

How doth Thy Word my heart en­gage!
How well em­ploy my tongue!
And in my tire­some pilg­rim­age,
Yields me a heav’n­ly song.

Am I a stran­ger or at home,
’Tis my per­pe­tu­al feast;
Not ho­ney drop­ping from the comb
So much al­lures the taste.

No trea­sures so en­rich the mind;
Nor shall Thy Word be sold
For loads of sil­ver well re­fined,
Nor heaps of choic­est gold.

When na­ture sinks, and spir­its droop,
Thy pro­mis­es of grace
Are pill­ars to sup­port my hope,
And there I write Thy praise.