Scripture Verse

Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift. 2 Corinthians 9:15


Thomas Kingo (1634–1703)

Words: Tho­mas H. Kin­go, 1689 (O Je­su! søde Je­su, dig). Trans­lat­ed from Da­nish to Eng­lish by Ar­thur J. Ma­son in Sup­ple­men­tal Hymns to Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1889.

Music: Wells (Monk) Will­iam H. Monk, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

William Monk (1823–1889)


O Je­su, blessèd Lord, to Thee
My heartfelt thanks for ever be,
Who hast so lovingly bestowed
On me Thy body and Thy blood.

Break forth, my soul, for joy, and say,
What wealth is come to me today!
My Sav­ior dwells within me now;
How blest am I! How good art Thou!