Scripture Verse

You crowned Him with glory and honor. Hebrews 2:7


Ralph Vaughan Williams

Words: Ed­ward W. Ben­son, 1860, alt.

Music: Kings­fold Eng­lish tune, ar­ranged by Ralph Vaugh­an Will­iams, 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Edward W. Benson (1829–1896)
National Portrait Gallery



O Je­sus, crowned with all re­nown,
Since Thou the earth hast trod,
Thou reign­est, and by Thee come down
Henceforth the gifts of God.
Thine is the health and Thine the wealth
That in our halls abound,
And Thine the beau­ty and the joy
With which the years are crowned.

Lord, in their change, let frost and heat,
And winds and dews be giv’n;
All fos­ter­ing power, all in­flu­ence sweet,
Breathe from the boun­te­ous Heav’n.
Attempter fair with gen­tle air
The sun­shine and the rain,
That kind­ly earth with time­ly birth
May yield her fruits again.

That we may feed the poor aright,
And ga­ther­ing round Thy throne,
Here, in the ho­ly angels’ sight,
Repay Thee of Thine own:
That we may praise Thee all our days,
And with the Fa­ther’s name,
And with the Ho­ly Spir­it’s gifts,
The Sav­ior’s love pro­claim.