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Scripture Verse

Lord Jesus Christ, who is our hope. 1 Timothy 1:1


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1749, alt.

Music: Old Ger­man Sac­red Me­lo­dy, 1761 (🔊 ).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Dr. George Smith (His­to­ry of Wes­ley­an Me­thod­ism, ii. 612) tells of a girl, called Ma­ry, em­ployed in break­ing cop­per ore at one of the Cor­nish mines. She was con­vert­ed at a re­viv­al ser­vice.

Next morn­ing the change in her bear­ing made her friends say, ‘Ma­ry is con­verted.’ ‘No,’ said one of her friends who knew her love of fin­ery; ‘she is not con­vert­ed: look at those fine large ear­rings in her ears still! If she had been con­vert­ed she would not con­ti­nue to wear them.’ With­out say­ing a word, the girl laid down her ham­mer, took out the ear­rings, and broke them in pieces, sing­ing—

Neither pas­sion nor pride Thy cross can abide,
But melt in the fount­ain that streams from Thy side.

Telford, p. 309


O Je­sus my hope, for me of­fered up,
Who with cla­mor pur­sued Thee to Cal­va­ry’s top,
The blood Thou hast shed, for me let it plead,
And de­clare Thou hast died in Thy mur­der­er’s stead.

Thy blood, which alone for sin could atone,
For the in­fi­nite ev­il I mad­ly have done,
That on­ly can seal my par­don, and fill
My heart with a pow­er of ob­ey­ing Thy will.

Come then from above, its hard­ness re­move,
And van­quish my heart with the sense of Thy love;
Thy love on the tree dis­play un­to me.
And the ser­vant of sin in a mo­ment is free.

Neither pas­sion nor pride Thy cross can abide,
But melt in the fount­ain that streams from Thy side;
Let Thy life-giv­ing blood re­move all my load,
And purge my foul con­science, and bring me to God.

Now, now let me know its vir­tue be­low,
Let it wash me, and I shall be whit­er than snow;
Let it hal­low my heart, and ful­ly con­vert,
And make me, O Lord, in the world as Thou art.

Each mo­ment ap­plied my weak­ness to hide,
Thy blood be up­on me, and al­ways abide,
My ad­vo­cate prove with the Fa­ther above,
And speak me at last to the throne of Thy love.