Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32
Words: Ferdinand Q. Blanchard, in Hymns for Schools and Colleges (Boston, Massachusetts: Ginn & Company, 1913).
Music: Canonbury adapted from Nachtstück, Opus 23, No. 4, by Robert A. Schumann, 1839 (🔊
O Jesus, youth of Nazareth,
Preparing for the bitter strife,
Wilt Thou impart to every heart
Thy perfect purity of life?
O Christ whose words make dear the fields
And hillsides green of Galilee,
Grant us to find with reverent mind
The truth Thou saidst should make us free.
O suffering Lord on Calvary,
Whom love led on to mortal pain,
We know Thy cross is not a loss
If we Thy love shall truly gain.
O Master of abundant life,
From natal morn to victory’s hour,
We look to Thee, heed Thou our plea,
Teach us to share Thy ageless power.