Scripture Verse

Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11


Thomas F. Dunhill (1877–1946)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Re­gi­nald He­ber (1783–1826). Pub­lished post­hu­mous­ly in Hymns Writ­ten and Adapt­ed to the Week­ly Church Ser­vice of the Year (Lon­don: J. Mur­ray, 1827), pag­es 54–55.

Music: Rex Ter­ra­rum Tho­mas F. Dun­hill, in Church Hymns with Tunes, new edi­tion (Lon­don: So­ci­ety for Pro­mot­ing Chris­tian Know­ledge, 1903), num­ber 495 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Reginald Heber (1783–1826)


O King of earth and air and sea!
The hun­gry ra­vens cry to Thee;
To Thee the sca­ly tribes that sweep
The bo­som of the bound­less deep;

To Thee the lions roar­ing call,
The com­mon Fa­ther, kind to all!
Then grant Thy ser­vants, Lord! we pray,
Our dai­ly bread from day to day!

The fish­es may for food com­plain;
The ra­vens spread their wings in vain;
The roar­ing lions lack and pine;
But God! Thou car­est still for Thine!

Thy boun­te­ous hand with food can bless
The bleak and lone­ly wil­der­ness;
And Thou hast taught us, Lord! to pray
For dai­ly bread from day to day!

And oh, when through the wilds we roam
That part us from our heav­en­ly home;
When, lost in dan­ger, want or woe,
Our faith­less tears be­gin to flow;

Do Thou Thy gra­cious com­fort give,
By which alone the soul may live;
And grant Thy ser­vants, Lord! we pray,
The bread of life from day to day!