I am the living bread which came down from Heaven.
John 6:51
Words: Johann Rist, Neuer himmlischer Lieder, 1651 (Wie wohl hast du gelabet). Translated from German to English by Catherine Winkworth, Lyra Germanica, 1858.
Music: Aurelia Samuel S. Wesley, in A Selection of Psalms and Hymns, by Charles Kemble (London: John F. Shaw, 1864), number 122 (🔊
O living bread from Heaven,
How hast Thou fed Thy guest!
The gifts Thou now hast given
Have filled my heart with rest.
O wondrous food of blessing,
O cup that heals our woes,
My heart, this gift possessing,
In thankful song o’erflows!
My Lord, Thou here hast led me
Within Thy holiest place,
And there Thyself hast fed me
With treasures of Thy grace;
And Thou hast freely given
What earth could never buy,
The Bread of Life from Heaven,
That now I shall not die.
Thou givest all I wanted,
The food can death destroy;
And Thou has freely granted
The cup of endless joy.
And Lord, I do not merit
The favor Thou hast shown,
And all my soul and spirit
Bow down before Thy throne.
Lord, grant me that, thus strengthened
With heavenly food, while here
My course on earth is lengthened,
I serve with holy fear;
And when Thou call’st my spirit
To leave this world below,
I enter, through Thy merit,
Where joys unmingled flow.