Scripture Verse

Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me. Psalm 27:7


Michael Lonneke (1943–)

Words: From the Scot­tish Me­tri­cal Psal­ter.

Music: Mills­paugh Mi­chael Lon­ne­ke, 2005 (🔊 pdf nwc).


O Lord, give ear un­to my voice,
When I do cry to Thee;
Upon me also mer­cy have,
And do Thou an­swer me.
When Thou didst say, Seek ye My face,
Then unto Thee re­ply
Thus did my heart, above all things
Thy face, Lord, seek will I.

Far from me hide not Thou Thy face;
Put not away from Thee
Thy ser­vant in Thy wrath: Thou hast
A help­er been to me.
O God of my sal­va­tion,
Leave me not, nor for­sake:
Though me my par­ents both should leave,
The Lord will me up take.

O Lord, in­struct me in Thy way,
To me a lead­er be
In a plain path, be­cause of those
That hat­red bear to me.
Give me not to mine ene­mies’ will;
For wit­ness­es that lie
Against me ris­en are, and such
As breathe out cru­el­ty.

I faint­ed had, un­less that I
Believèd had to see
The Lord’s own good­ness in the land
Of them that liv­ing be.
Wait on the Lord, and be thou strong,
And He shall strength af­ford
Unto thine heart; yea, do thou wait
I say, up­on the Lord.