Scripture Verse

Delight thyself…in the Lord. Psalm 37:4


John Ryland (1753–1825)

Words: John Ry­land, De­cem­ber 3, 1777. Pub­lished in A Se­lect­ion of Hymns from the Best Au­thors, 1787, by John Rip­pon. Ry­land said about these words, I re­col­lect deep­er feel­ings of mind in com­po­sing this hymn, than per­haps I ev­er felt in mak­ing any oth­er.

Music: Rich­mond (Ha­weis) Tho­mas Ha­weis, Car­mi­na Chris­to 1792 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thomas Haweis (1734–1820)


O Lord, I will de­light in Thee
And on Thy care de­pend,
To Thee in ev­ery trou­ble flee,
My best, my on­ly friend.

When all cre­at­ed streams are dried,
Thy full­ness is the same;
May I with this be sa­tis­fied
And glo­ry in Thy name.

No good in crea­tures can be found
But may be found in Thee;
I must have all things and abound
While God is God to me.

O Lord, I cast my care on Thee,
I triu­mph and adore;
Henceforth my great con­cern shall be
To love and please Thee more.