Scripture Verse

They cried unto Thee, and were delivered: they trusted in Thee, and were not confounded. Psalm 22:5


Johann Heermann (1585–1647)

Words: Jo­hann Heer­mann, 1630 (Herr, un­ser Gott, lass nicht zu­schand­en wer­den). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ca­the­rine Wink­worth, 1869, alt.

Music: Herz­lieb­ster Je­su Jo­hann Crü­ger, New­es voll­köm­lich­es Ge­sang­buch augs­burg­isch­er Con­fes­sion (Ber­lin: 1640) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Johann Crüger (1598–1662)


O Lord, our Fa­ther, shall we be con­found­ed
Who, though by tri­als and woes sur­round­ed,
On Thee alone for help are still re­ly­ing,
To Thee are cry­ing?

Lord, put to shame Thy foes who breathe de­fi­ance
And vain­ly make their might their sole re­li­ance;
In mer­cy turn to us, the poor and strick­en,
Our hope to quick­en.

Be Thou our help­er and our strong de­fend­er;
Speak to our foes and cause them to sur­ren­der.
Yea, long be­fore their plans have been com­plet­ed,
They are de­feat­ed.

’Tis vain to trust in man; for Thou, Lord, on­ly
Art the de­fense and com­fort of the lone­ly.
With Thee to lead, the bat­tle shall be glo­ri­ous
And we vic­to­ri­ous.

Thou art our he­ro, all our foes sub­du­ing;
Save Thou Thy lit­tle flock they are pur­su­ing.
We seek Thy help; for Je­sus’ sake be near us.
Great Help­er, hear us!