Scripture Verse

O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 107:1


Martin Luther (1483–1546)

Words: Cy­ri­acus Schnee­gass, in Geist­liche Lied­er und Psalm­en (Er­furt, Ger­ma­ny: 1597) (Herr Gott Va­ter, wir preis­en dich). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Au­gust Crull in the Ohio Lu­ther­an Hym­nal, 1880, alt.

Music: Nun freut euch Mar­tin Lu­ther, in Gettl­ich’ christ­liche Lied­er (Wit­ten­berg, Ger­ma­ny: 1524) (🔊 pdf nwc).

August Crull (1845–1923)


Lord, our Fa­ther, thanks to Thee
In this new year we ren­der,
For ev­ery ev­il had to flee
Before Thee, our de­fend­er.
Our life was nour­ished, we were fed
With rich sup­plies of dai­ly bread,
And peace reigned in our bor­ders.

Lord Je­sus Christ, our thanks to Thee
In this new year we ren­der;
Thy reign hath kept Thy peo­ple free,
Hath shown Thy mer­cies ten­der.
Thou hast re­deemed us with Thy blood,
Thou art our joy, our on­ly good,
In life and death our Sav­ior.

Lord Ho­ly Ghost, our thanks to Thee
In this new year we ren­der,
For Thou hast led our eyes to see
Thy truth in all its splen­dor
And thus en­kin­dled from above
Within our hearts true faith and love
And other Chris­tian vir­tues.

Our faith­ful God, we cry to Thee:
Still bless us with Thy fa­vor,
Blot out all our ini­qui­ty,
And hide our sins for­ev­er.
Grant us a hap­py, good new year
And, when the hour of death draws near,
A peace­ful, blest de­par­ture.