The God of Jacob defend thee.
Psalm 20:1
Words: Elizabeth Wordsworth, 1885.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, I wrote it in the winter of 1884–5, when the excitement about General Gordon was at its height…The lines
Jehovah-Nissiappeared in the Guardian of Jan. 21, 1885, signedVeritas.This is our family motto, and as such was well known to my own family circle…The hymn was frequently printed as a leaflet, and entitled
Jehovah-Nissi. A hymn for our Soldiers.It was included in Church [Hymns], 1903.Julian, p. 1729
Music: Jehovah-Nissi George J. Bennett, in Church Hymns With Tunes, new edition, Charles H. Lloyd & Basil Harwood, music editors (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1903), number 295 (🔊 pdf nwc).
O Lord our banner, God of might,
Who wast with Joshua in the fight,
And Moses on the hill,
Be with Thy servants far away,
Their shield by night, their guide by day,
To succor them from ill.
For husband, brother, son, and sire,
We raise up hands that never tire
On this our mount of prayer;
Thou knowest, we but dimly guess,
That day’s long toil, the night’s distress,
And all they do and bear.
The battle’s issue hangs on Thee;
In Thy firm hand the scales we see
Of mortal loss and gain:
And tidings carried swift as thought
’Twixt land and land to Thee are naught
But Thine own will made plain.
Giver of strength, O bless and aid
Thy servants ’gainst the foe arrayed;
Go forth with them to fight!
In battle’s storm their shelter be;
Thy Spirit grant, of unity,
Of counsel, and of might.
Watch o’er the wounded in the field,
And, where the sick and dying yield
Their souls, do Thou be nigh!
Give peace within the heart distressed,
And peace on earth, and, last and best,
Thy peace beyond the sky.