Scripture Verse

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10


Elisha A. Hoffman (1839–1929)

Words & Mu­sic: Eli­sha A. Hoff­man, in Crown­ing Day No. 4, ed­it­ed by James H. Rue­bush, Ja­cob H. Hall & William H. Rue­bush (Day­ton, Vir­gin­ia: Rue­bush-Kieff­er, 1900), num­ber 147 (🔊 pdf nwc).


O Lord, with­in my soul,
I long for pu­ri­ty,
To be com­plete and whole
Alone through Thee.


There is no oth­er hope,
There is no oth­er plea;
Salvation, full sal­va­tion free,
Must come alone through Thee.

I bend be­fore Thy cross,
And know my heart can be
Cleansed from its sin and dross
Alone through Thee.


I pray at Thy dear feet,
Salvation full en­treat,
And want to feel my love
In Thee com­plete.


My faith Thy Word be­lieves,
The pro­mise made to me,
And per­fect peace re­ceives
Alone through Thee.
