Scripture Verse

The love of Christ, which passeth knowledge. Ephesians 3:19


Henry Carey (1687–1743)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems (Bris­tol, Eng­land: Fe­lix Far­ley, 1742), pag­es 25–26.

Music: Car­ey’s Sur­rey Hen­ry Car­ey, 1723. Har­mo­ny from The Eng­lish Hym­nal (Lon­don: Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1906), num­ber 491 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


O love, I lang­uish at thy stay,
I pine for thee with lin­ger­ing smart,
Weary, and faint through long de­lay,
When wilt thou come into my heart?
From sin and sor­row set me free,
And swal­low up my soul in thee!

Come, O thou uni­ver­sal good,
Balm of the wound­ed con­science, come,
The hun­gry, dy­ing spir­it’s food,
The wea­ry, wan­der­ing pil­grim’s home,
Haven to take the ship­wrecked in,
My ev­er­last­ing rest from sin.

Be thou, O love, what­ev­er I want,
Support my fee­ble­ness of mind,
Relieve the thirs­ty soul, the faint
Revive, il­lu­mi­nate the blind,
The mourn­ful cheer, the droop­ing lead,
And heal the sick, and raise the dead.

Come, O my com­fort and de­light,
My strength and health, my shield and sun,
My boast, and con­fi­dence, and might,
My joy, my glo­ry, and my crown,
My Gos­pel hope, my call­ing’s prize,
My tree of life, my pa­ra­dise.

The secret of the Lord thou art,
The mys­te­ry so long un­known,
Christ in a pure and per­fect heart,
The name in­scribed in the white stone,
The life di­vine, the lit­tle lea­ven,
My pre­cious pearl, my pre­sent hea­ven.