Scripture Verse

Thou hast ascended on high, Thou hast led captivity captive: Thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them. Psalm 68:18


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 183.

Music: Mis­sion­ary Hymn Lo­well Ma­son, 1823 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


O Lord, Thou hast as­cend­ed
On high in might to reign;
Captivity Thou lead­est
A cap­tive in Thy train.
Rich gifts to Thee are of­fered
By men who did re­bel,
Who pray that now Je­ho­vah
Their God with them may dwell.

Blest be the Lord who dai­ly
Our hea­vy bur­den bears,
The God of our sal­va­tion,
Who for His peo­ple cares.
Our God is near to help us,
Our God is strong to save;
The Lord alone is able
To ran­som from the grave.

Sing un­to God, ye na­tions,
Ye king­doms of the earth;
Sing un­to God, all peo­ple,
And praise His match­less worth.
He rides in roy­al tri­umph
Upon the hea­v’ns abroad;
He speaks, the mount­ains trem­ble
Before the voice of God.

All glo­ry, might and hon­or
Ascribe to God on high;
His arm pro­tects His peo­ple
Who on His pow­er re­ly.
Forth from Thy ho­ly dwell­ing
Thine aw­ful glo­ries shine;
Thou strength­en­est Thy peo­ple;
Unending praise be Thine.