Scripture Verse

O Lord, revive Thy work. Habakkuk 3:2


Garret C. Wellesley (1735–1781)
Earl of Mornington

Words: Phoe­be H. Brown, 1819.

Music: Morn­ing­ton ar­ranged from Gar­ret C. Well­es­ley, cir­ca 1760, in Da­vid’s Harp, by Ed­ward Mill­er, 1805 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Phoebe H. Brown (1783–1861)


O Lord, Thy work re­vive,
In Zi­on’s gloomy hour,
And make her dy­ing grac­es live
By Thy re­stor­ing power.

O let Thy chos­en few
Awake to ear­nest pray­er;
Their co­ve­nant again re­new,
And walk in fi­li­al fear.

Thy Spir­it then will speak
Through lips of hum­ble clay,
Till hearts of ada­mant shall break,
Till re­bels shall ob­ey.

Now lend Thy gra­cious ear;
Now list­en to our cry;
O come and bring sal­va­tion near;
Our souls on Thee re­ly.