Scripture Verse

Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of His hand. Isaiah 40:12


Words: God­frey Thring, 1878.

Music: Wood­leigh Jo­seph Barn­by (1838–1896) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Thring (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)


O migh­ty God, Cre­at­or, King,
Who rul­est ov­er sea and land,
And dost the ocean deeps sus­tain
Within the hol­low of Thine hand:
O hear us as we cry to Thee
For those who tra­verse land or sea,
That they may now and ev­er be
Safe in Thy ho­ly keep­ing.

And Thou who cam’st on earth to breathe
The breath of peace o’er heath and hill,
Didst walk up­on the ang­ry wave,
And bid the trou­bled sea be still:
O hear us as we cry to Thee
For those who tra­verse land or sea,
That they may now and ev­er be
Safe in Thy ho­ly keep­ing.

Wherever dan­ger threat­ens them,
O Ho­ly Spir­it, be Thou there,
And breathe in­to each trem­bling heart
The will and pow­er of fer­vent prayer:
That we and all who cry to Thee,
With those who tra­verse land and sea,
Both now and ev­er­more may be,
Safe in Thy ho­ly keep­ing.