Scripture Verse

Unto you…which believe He is precious. 1 Peter 2:7


Words: Kate Ul­mer, in Song Prais­es, by Charles H. Ga­bri­el (Car­bon­dale, Il­li­nois: Egypt­ian Pub­lish­ing, 1906), num­ber 158, alt.

Music: Mee­rut Win­nie M. Ga­bri­el­son (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ul­mer (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Winnie M. Gabrielson (1877–1949)


O my Sav­ior, Thou art precious!
Precious in life’s darkest hour;
Tho’ mine eyes have ne­ver beheld Thee,
Yet my life has felt Thy power.
In the deepest, darkest midnight,
Bound by chains of death and sin,
Thou, the great and strong Deliverer,
Liberty and life didst win.

O my Sav­ior, Thou art precious!
When the storms of sorrow break,
When the heart with anguish quivers,
And our faith no song can wake.
Then how sweetly comes the message—
Cast thy every care on Me!
I have carried all thy sorrows,
All thy griefs have borne for thee.

O my Sav­ior, Thou art precious!
When the tempter would ensnare,
And my flesh, so weak and sinful,
Fain would lend a listening ear;
Then Thy Spir­it’s gentle pleading
Falls upon my wavering heart,
Bringing faith’s shield to remembrance,
Which can quench each fiery dart.

Precious Sav­ior, ever so precious,
Dearer far than all to me;
Tho’ mine eyes have ne­ver beheld Thee,
Yet, some day, Thy face I’ll see.
How my heart with joy shall quiver,
How my ransomed tongue will sing,
When in all Thy wondrous beauty
I behold my Sav­ior King!