Scripture Verse

Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psalm 103:3


François H. Barthélémon (1741–1808)

Words: From the Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Book of Psalms, 1871.

Music: Au­tumn Fran­çois H. Bar­thé­lé­mon, 1785 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pic­ture of Bar­thé­lé­mon,


O my soul, bless thou Je­ho­vah,
All with­in me, bless His name;
Bless Je­ho­vah and for­get not
All His mer­cies to pro­claim.
He for­gives all thy trans­gress­ions,
Heals thy sick­ness­es and pains;
He re­deems thee from de­struct­ion,
And His love thy life sus­tains.

He with ten­der mer­cies crowns thee,
Satisfies thy full re­quest,
So that, like the tire­less ea­gle,
Thou with youth re­newed art blessed.
Righteous is the Lord in judg­ment
Unto all that are op­pressed;
To His peo­ple He has ev­er
Made His good­ness ma­ni­fest.

Yea, the Lord is full of mer­cy
And com­pass­ion for dis­tress,
Slow to an­ger and abun­dant
In His grace and ten­der­ness.
He will be not be an­gry al­way,
Nor will He for­ev­er chide;
Though we oft have sinned against Him,
Still His love and grace abide.

As the heav’ns are high above us,
Great His love to us has proved;
Far as east from west is dist­ant,
He has all our sins re­moved.
As a fa­ther loves his child­ren,
Feeling pi­ty for their woes,
So the Lord to those who fear Him
Mercy and com­pass­ion shows.