Scripture Verse

When they were come to the place which is called Calvary, they crucified Him there; and the robbers, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. Luke 23:33


Words & Mu­sic: J. Wake­field Mac­Gill (1829–1902) (🔊 pdf nwc).

J. Wakefield MacGill


Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?
James Tissot (1836–1902)

It pleased the Lord to bruise His on­ly Son
On Cal­va­ry,
That He might ran­som sinners such as you,
And set you free;
He hid His face from Je­sus, whom He loved
So ten­der­ly,
With all His heart in yearn­ings deep and true
On Cal­va­ry.

Although the pierc­ing wail went up on high
From Cal­va­ry,
My God, O why hast Thou for­sak­en Me
On Cal­va­ry?

The heav’ns re­turned nor ec­ho, groan nor sigh
On that dark day,
And all that He might free­ly par­don me
On Cal­va­ry.

And canst thou, sin­ner, stand be­neath the cross
Of Cal­va­ry,
To see His life’s blood drop­ping sure­ly down
And treat His cru­el suf­fer­ing as dross
On Cal­va­ry,
While He is wear­ing sor­row’s hea­vy crown
In ag­ony?

The cross un­folds the won­drous love di­vine
On Cal­va­ry,
And shows in woe love’s ma­jes­ty su­preme
On Cal­va­ry;
Then yield to Him that bur­dened heart of thine
At Cal­va­ry,
And then the cross will be thy theme through­out