When they were come to the place which is called Calvary, they crucified Him there; and the robbers, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.
Luke 23:33
Words & Music: J. Wakefield MacGill (1829–1902) (🔊
It pleased the Lord to bruise His only Son
On Calvary,
That He might ransom sinners such as you,
And set you free;
He hid His face from Jesus, whom He loved
So tenderly,
With all His heart in yearnings deep and true
On Calvary.
Although the piercing wail went up on high
From Calvary,
My God, O why hast Thou forsaken Me
On Calvary?
The heav’ns returned nor echo, groan nor sigh
On that dark day,
And all that He might freely pardon me
On Calvary.
And canst thou, sinner, stand beneath the cross
Of Calvary,
To see His life’s blood dropping surely down
And treat His cruel suffering as dross
On Calvary,
While He is wearing sorrow’s heavy crown
In agony?
The cross unfolds the wondrous love divine
On Calvary,
And shows in woe love’s majesty supreme
On Calvary;
Then yield to Him that burdened heart of thine
At Calvary,
And then the cross will be thy theme throughout