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Scripture Verse

As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent Me. Night is coming, when no one can work. John 9:4


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words: An­na B. War­ner, Way­far­ing Hymns, Orig­in­al and Trans­lat­ed 1869.

Music: Ro­bert Low­ry (🔊 ).

Anna B. Warner (1827–1915)

One day, while the child­ren in a Mis­sion Cha­pel were sing­ing One more day’s work for Je­sus, a wo­man pass­ing by stopped out­side to list­en. She went home with these words fixed in her mind.

The next day, as she was bend­ing ov­er the wash­tub, the words of the hymn came to her again and aroused the quest­ion, Have I ev­er done one day’s work for Je­sus in all my life?

That marked the turn­ing point. There and then she be­gan to work for Christ. She washed the clothes for Je­sus, cleaned the house for Je­sus, ad­min­is­tered the needs of her fa­mi­ly for Je­sus.

A new light came in­to her life; and at the close of that day she could sing with a dif­fer­ent feel­ing and new en­thu­si­asm: “One more day’s work for Jes­us; How sweet the work has been.”

Sankey, p. 210


One more day’s work for Je­sus,
One less of life for me!
But Heav’n is near­er,
And Christ is clear­er
Than yes­ter­day, to me.
His love and light
Fill all my soul to­night.


One more day’s work for Je­sus,
One more day’s work for Je­sus,
One more day’s work for Je­sus,
One less of life for me!

One more day’s work for Je­sus!
How sweet the work has been,
To tell the sto­ry,
To show the glo­ry,
Where Christ’s flock en­ters in!
How it did shine
In this poor heart of mine.


One more day’s work for Je­sus!
O yes, a wea­ry day;
But Heav’n shines clear­er,
And rest comes near­er,
At each step of the way;
And Christ in all,
Before His face I fall.


O bless­èd work for Je­sus!
O rest at Je­sus’ feet!
There toil seems plea­sure,
My wants are trea­sure,
And pain for Him is sweet.
Lord, if I may,
I’ll serve an­oth­er day!
