Scripture Verse

Thy will be done. Matthew 6:10


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: James Mont­go­me­ry, Chris­tian Psalm­ist 1825.

Music: Be­ati­tu­do John B. Dykes, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

James Montgomery (1771–1854)


One pray­er I have—all pray­ers in one—
When I am whol­ly Thine;
Thy will, my God, Thy will be done,
And let that will be mine.

All-wise, al­migh­ty, and all-good,
In Thee I firm­ly trust;
Thy ways, un­known or un­der­stood,
Are mer­ci­ful and just.

Is life with ma­ny com­forts crowned,
Upheld in peace and health,
With dear af­fect­ions twined around?
—Lord, in my time of wealth—

May I re­mem­ber that to Thee,
Whate’er I have I owe;
And back in gra­ti­tude from me,
May all Thy boun­ties flow.

Thy gifts are on­ly then en­joyed,
When used as tal­ents lent;
Those tal­ents on­ly well em­ployed,
When in Thy ser­vice spent.

And though Thy wis­dom takes away,
Shall I ar­raign Thy will?
No, let me bless Thy name, and say,
The Lord is gra­cious still.

A pil­grim through the earth I roam,
Of no­thing long pos­sessed,
And all must fail when I go home,
For this is not my rest.

Write but my name up­on the roll
Of Thy re­deemed above;
Then heart, and mind, and strength and soul,
I’ll love Thee for Thy love.