This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations.
Matthew 24:14
Words: George W. Anderson, in The Baptist Harp (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American Baptist Publication Society, 1849), number 502.
Music: Bartimeus William B. Bradbury, The Golden Censer (New York: William B. Bradbury, 1864), page 21 (🔊
Onward, herald of the Gospel
Bear thy tidings through the land;
Preach the word, as Heav’n’s apostle,
Sent by Christ’s divine command.
Jesus, once the Gospel preaching,
Through His native Judah went,
Salem’s sons in mercy teaching,
Calling Israel to repent.
Israel, all His deep love slighting,
Spurning all His tenderness,
Still He followed, still inviting,
Weeping where He could not bless.
Follow, then, thy Lord’s example;
Toil in hope, nor faint, nor fear;
For thy needs His grace is ample,
At thy side He’s ever near.
Work, until the day is ended,
Labor on, till night shall come;
Then, with joy and triumph blended,
Christ shall bring thee to His home.