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Scripture Verse

For to me to live is Christ. Philippians 1:21


William F. Sherwin

Words: Eli­za A. Walk­er, Hymns and Thoughts in Verse (Lon­don: Will­iam Hunt, 1864), pag­es 7–8.

Music: La­hore Will­iam F. Sher­win, Ech­oes from Zi­on (New York: Hor­ace Wa­ters & Son, 1873), page 63 (🔊 ).


Precious Sav­ior, may I live
Only for Thee.
Spend the pow­ers Thou dost give,
Only for Thee.

Be my spir­it’s deep de­sire
Only for Thee.
May my in­tel­lect as­pire
Only for Thee.

In my joys may I re­joice
Only for Thee.
In my choic­es make my choice
Only for Thee.

Meekly may I suf­fer grief
Only for Thee.
Gratefully ac­cept re­lief
Only for Thee.

Be my smiles and be my tears
Only for Thee.
Be my young and rip­er years
Only for Thee.

Be my sing­ing and my sigh­ing
Only for Thee.
Be my sick­ness and my dy­ing
Only for Thee.

Be my ris­ing, be my glo­ry
Only for Thee.
Be my whole eter­ni­ty
Only for Thee.