For to me to live is Christ.
Philippians 1:21
Words: Eliza A. Walker, Hymns and Thoughts in Verse (London: William Hunt, 1864), pages 7–8.
Music: Lahore William F. Sherwin, Echoes from Zion (New York: Horace Waters & Son, 1873), page 63 (🔊
Precious Savior, may I live
Only for Thee.
Spend the powers Thou dost give,
Only for Thee.
Be my spirit’s deep desire
Only for Thee.
May my intellect aspire
Only for Thee.
In my joys may I rejoice
Only for Thee.
In my choices make my choice
Only for Thee.
Meekly may I suffer grief
Only for Thee.
Gratefully accept relief
Only for Thee.
Be my smiles and be my tears
Only for Thee.
Be my young and riper years
Only for Thee.
Be my singing and my sighing
Only for Thee.
Be my sickness and my dying
Only for Thee.
Be my rising, be my glory
Only for Thee.
Be my whole eternity
Only for Thee.