Stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord, and likewise at even.
1 Chronicles 23:30
Words: Andrew Kippis (1725–1795).
Music: Aberdeen possibly by Andrew Tait, in James Chalmers’ untitled collection, 1749. Melody from Rudiments of Music, by Robert Bremner, 1756 (🔊 ).
On Thee each morning, O my God,
My waking thoughts attend;
In whom are founded all my hopes,
In whom my wishes end.
My soul, in pleading wonder lost,
Thy boundless love surveys,
And fired with grateful zeal prepares
Her sacrifice of praise.
When evening slumbers press my eyes,
With Thy protection blest,
In peace and safety I commit
My weary limbs to rest.
My spirit in Thy hands secure
Fears no approaching ill;
For whether waking or asleep
Thou, Lord, art with me still.
Then will I daily to the world
Thy wondrous acts proclaim;
Whilst all with me shall praises sing
And bless Thy sacred name.
At morn, at noon, at night I’ll still
The growing work pursue;
And Thee alone wilt praise, to whom
Eternal praise is due.