Scripture Verse

All the prophets…have likewise foretold. Acts 3:24


Words: R. Mi­chael Cul­li­nan, 1996.

Music: Ash Grove Welsh tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

R. Michael Cullinan (1937–)


On this night, most ho­ly,
In cir­cum­stance low­ly,
Unfolded the sto­ry
Which pro­phets fore­told.
Though heav’ns could not hold Him,
Mary’s arms en­fold Him,
Holding to her bo­som
This Child who is God!
The vir­gin is nurs­ing
This won­drous in­fant King—
The Word that was made flesh
To end our des­pair.
While an­gels ad­ore Him,
Shepherds kneel be­fore Him
And kings from the east
Follow af­ter His star.

To Beth­le­hem hast­en!
See Je­sus awak­en!
The sta­ble is glow­ing
With this Light of lights!
Come hear the great sto­ry
Of God’s crown­ing glo­ry:
The Sav­ior In­car­nate—
God with us unites.
Now church bells are ring­ing
And Chris­tians are sing­ing
While of­f’ring their gifts
In de­vo­tion and love.
Your peo­ple are wait­ing
And an­ti­ci­pat­ing
The day You re­turn
From the heav­ens above.