Scripture Verse

I and My Father are One. John 10:30


William W. How (1823–1897)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Will­iam W. How, 1871.

Music: St. An­selm Jo­seph Barn­by, Orig­in­al Tunes 1869 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)


O One with God the Fa­ther,
In ma­jes­ty and might,
The bright­ness of His glo­ry,
Eternal light of light,
O’er this our home of dark­ness
Thy rays are stream­ing now;
The sha­dows flee be­fore Thee,
The world’s true light art Thou.

Yet, Lord, we but dark­ly,
O hea­ven­ly light, arise,
Dispel these mists that shroud us,
And hide Thee from our eyes.
We long to track the foot­prints
That Thou Thy­self hast trod;
We long to see the path­way
That leads to Thee our God.

O Je­sus, shine around us,
With ra­di­ance of Thy grace;
O Je­sus, turn up­on us
The bright­ness of Thy face.
We need no star to guide us,
As on our way we press,
If Thou Thy light vouch­saf­est,
O sun of right­eous­ness.