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Scripture Verse

O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the people. Psalm 105:1


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 289, alt.

Music: Ger­ald Lud­wig Spohr, Das Hei­land’s Letz­te Stun­de 1834 (🔊 ).

Ludwig Spohr (1784–1859)


Joseph Sold into Egypt
Gustave Doré (1832–1883)

O praise the Lord, His deeds make known,
And call up­on His name;
Sing ye to Him, His prais­es sing,
His won­drous works pro­claim.
Let hearts re­joice that seek the Lord,
His ho­ly name adore;
Seek ye Je­ho­vah and His strength,
Seek Him for­ev­er­more.

Ye child­ren of God’s co­ve­nant,
Who of His grace have heard,
Forget not all His won­drous deeds
And judg­ments of His Word.
The Lord our God is God alone,
All lands His judg­ments know;
His pro­mise He re­mem­bers still,
While ge­ne­ra­tions go.

While yet our fa­thers were but few,
Sojourners in the land,
He swore that Ca­naan should be theirs,
And made His co­ve­nant stand.
He suf­fered none to do them wrong
In all their pil­grim way;
Yea, for their sake were kings re­proved
And co­vered with dismay.

His stern com­mand re­strained their foes
And filled them with alarm;
Touch not Mine own an­oint­ed ones,
Nor do My pro­phets harm.

He whol­ly broke the staff of bread
And called for fa­mine sore,
And He pre­pared His peo­ple’s way
By send­ing one before.

Then Joseph, sold to sla­ve­ry,
With cru­el chains was bound;
Till his pre­dict­ion came to pass,
Distress and grief he found.
The king re­leased him from his bonds
And made him rule the land,
Subjecting chiefs and se­na­tors
To his con­troll­ing hand.

To Egypt Is­ra­el fol­lowed then,
And there grew great and strong,
Until their friends be­came their foes
And did them griev­ous wrong.
God sent His ser­vant Mo­ses then,
And Aar­on, whom He chose;
Great signs and won­ders they dis­played
To ter­ri­fy their foes.

In dark­ness they were taught to fear
God’s great and ho­ly name;
On man and beast, on vine and field,
His aw­ful judg­ment came.
He smote the first-born in the land,
The chief of all their strength,
Enriched His peo­ple with the spoil
And brought them forth at length.

He led them forth in health and strength,
None weak in all their band,
And Egypt, filled with fear, re­joiced
To see them leave the land.
He spread a cloud to co­ver them,
Most glo­ri­ous and bright,
And made a fie­ry pil­lar shine
To give them light by night.

At their re­quest He sent them quails,
And bread of Heav’n be­stowed;
And from the rock, to quench their thirst,
The liv­ing waters flowed.
His sac­red word to Ab­ra­ham
He kept, though wait­ing long,
And brought His chos­en peo­ple forth
With joy and thank­ful song.

The lands and toil of wick­ed men
He gave them to pos­sess,
That they might keep His ho­ly laws,
Jehovah praise and bless.
Let hearts rejo­ice that seek the Lord,
His ho­ly name adore;
Seek ye Je­ho­vah and His strength,
Seek Him for­ev­er­more.