Scripture Verse

Praise the Lord. Sing to the Lord a new song, His praise in the assembly of the saints. Psalm 149:1


William Croft (1678–1727)

Words: Hen­ry W. Bak­er, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1875.

Music: Ha­no­ver, at­trib­ut­ed to Will­iam Croft, in The Sup­ple­ment to the New Ver­sion of Psalms, by Na­hum Tate & Ni­cho­las Bra­dy, 6th edi­tion, 1708 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Henry W. Baker (1821–1877)


O praise ye the Lord! praise Him in the height;
Rejoice in His Word, ye an­gels of light;
Ye hea­vens, adore Him by whom ye were made,
And wor­ship before Him in bright­ness ar­rayed.

O praise ye the Lord! Praise Him up­on earth,
In tune­ful ac­cord, ye sons of new birth;
Praise Him who hath brought you His grace from above,
Praise Him who hath taught you to sing of His love.

O praise ye the Lord! All things that give sound;
Each ju­bi­lant chord re-ec­ho around;
Loud or­gans, His glo­ry forth tell in deep tone,
And sweet harp, the sto­ry of what He hath done.

O praise ye the Lord! Thanks­giv­ing and song
To Him be out­poured all ag­es along!
For love in cre­ation, for Hea­ven re­stored,
For grace of sal­va­tion, O praise ye the Lord!

O praise ye the Lord and sing a new song,
Amid all His saints His prais­es pro­long;
The praise of their maker His peo­ple shall sing,
And child­ren of Zion re­joice in their king.

With timb­rel and harp and joy­ful acclaim,
With glad­ness and mirth, sing praise to His name,
For God in His peo­ple His plea­sure doth seek,
With robes of sal­va­tion He cloth­eth the meek.

In glo­ry ex­ult, ye saints of the Lord;
With songs in the night, high prais­es ac­cord;
Go forth in His service, be strong in His might,
To con­quer all evil and stand for the right.

For this is His Word: His saints shall not fail,
But ov­er the earth their pow­er shall pre­vail;
All king­doms and na­tions shall yield to their sway.
To God give the glo­ry and praise Him for aye.