Scripture Verse

Behold, I make all things new. Revelation 21:5


Alfred Verney-Cave (1849–1928)

Words: 12th Cen­tu­ry (Sal­va­tor mun­di Do­mi­ne). Found in the Har­lei­an ma­nu­scripts of the Brit­ish Mu­se­um (num­ber 2928, fo­lio 110b). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Al­fred T. T. Ver­ney-Cave, 1883. Pub­lished in An­nus Sanc­tus, Vol­ume 1, ed­it­ed by Or­by Ship­ley (Lon­don & New York: Burns & Oates, 1884), page 32. Some hym­nals give the au­thor as Lord Braye, Ver­ney-Cave’s ti­tle.

Music: Ab­bots­ford Ca­tho­lische geist­liche Ge­sänge (An­der­nach, Ger­ma­ny: 1608) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:


O Sav­ior of the world for­lorn,
Who man to save this day wast born,
Our days are sink­ing to their night,
In dark­ness save, save us in light.

Let Thy most bless­èd fa­vor be
Around us as we bend the knee;
Blot out our sin; Thy hea­ven­ly ray
Dispels the gloom and makes our day.

No sleep shall thus weigh down the mind,
Nor ghost­ly foe un­guard­ed find;
Nor rea­son yield­ing to a dream
Wake less res­pon­sive to Thy beam.

O Thou that mak­est all things new,
With crav­ings of the heart we sue,
Our lives may, fresh from Thee their source,
Renew the pure­ness of their course.

To God the Fa­ther end­less praise,
And to His on­ly Son we raise;
An eq­ual glo­ry as is meet
Be sung to God the Pa­ra­clete.