Scripture Verse

Serve the Lord with gladness: Come before His presence with singing. Psalm 100:2


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in The Gos­pel Choir No. 2, ed­it­ed by Ira San­key, James Mc­Gra­na­han & George C. Steb­bins (New York: Big­low & Main, 1895), num­ber 37.

Music: Ira D. San­key (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)


O serve the Lord with glad­ness,
And come be­fore His throne;
He is the great Cre­at­or,
And He is God alone;
The heav’ns de­clare His glo­ry,
The earth His pow­er dis­plays;
While mill­ions with­out num­ber
To Him glad an­thems raise.


O serve the Lord with glad­ness,
And come be­fore His throne;
He is our great Re­deem­er,
And He is God alone.

O serve the Lord with glad­ness,
And glad ho­san­nas bring,
To Him the so­ver­eign Rul­er,
The uni­ver­sal King;
Forever through the ag­es
His truth un­chang­ing stands;
Let all the na­tions fear Him,
And rev­er­ence His com­mands.


O serve the Lord with glad­ness,
His love to all pro­claim;
Exalt Him in the high­est;
And spread abroad His fame;
All ma­jes­ty, do­min­ion,
All pow­er and glo­ry be
To Him who reigns in tri­umph,
Through all eter­ni­ty.
