Serve the Lord with gladness: Come before His presence with singing.
Psalm 100:2
Words: Fanny Crosby, in The Gospel Choir No. 2, edited by Ira Sankey, James McGranahan & George C. Stebbins (New York: Biglow & Main, 1895), number 37.
Music: Ira D. Sankey (🔊
O serve the Lord with gladness,
And come before His throne;
He is the great Creator,
And He is God alone;
The heav’ns declare His glory,
The earth His power displays;
While millions without number
To Him glad anthems raise.
O serve the Lord with gladness,
And come before His throne;
He is our great Redeemer,
And He is God alone.
O serve the Lord with gladness,
And glad hosannas bring,
To Him the sovereign Ruler,
The universal King;
Forever through the ages
His truth unchanging stands;
Let all the nations fear Him,
And reverence His commands.
O serve the Lord with gladness,
His love to all proclaim;
Exalt Him in the highest;
And spread abroad His fame;
All majesty, dominion,
All power and glory be
To Him who reigns in triumph,
Through all eternity.