Scripture Verse

Come before His presence with singing. Psalm 100:2


Mary Shindler (1810–1883)

Words: Ma­ry S. Shind­ler, South­ern Harp 1840.

Music: Shind­ler va­ri­ous­ly at­trib­ut­ed to John Mas­sen­gale or C. R. Dun­bar (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:


O sing to me of Heav’n
When I am called to die;
Sing songs of ho­ly ec­sta­sy,
To waft my soul on high.

When cold and slug­gish drops
Roll off my mar­ble brow,
Burst forth in strains of joy­ful­ness,
Let Heav’n be­gin be­low.

When the last mo­ment comes,
O watch my dy­ing face,
And catch the bright ser­aph­ic gleam
Which on earth each fea­ture plays.

Then to my ra­vished ear
Let one sweet song be giv’n;
Let mu­sic charm me last on earth,
And greet me first in Heav’n.