When they came to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him.
Luke 23:33
Words: Sarah J. Graham, in the first issue of the Salvation Army’s Musical Salvationist, July 1886. The author was not listed at first, but in the 1931 San Francisco issue of The War Cry, Thomas W. Scott credited the song to Graham.
Music: Attributed to William J. Kirkpatrick (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Graham (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
On the cross of Calvary,
Jesus died for you and me;
There He shed His precious blood,
That from sin we might be free.
O the cleansing stream does flow,
And it washes white as snow!
It was for me that Jesus died
On the cross of Calvary.
On Calvary! On Calvary!
It was for me that Jesus died
On the cross of Calvary.
O what wondrous, wondrous love
Brought me down at Jesus’ feet!
O such wondrous, dying love
Asks a sacrifice complete!
Here I give myself to Thee,
Soul and body, Thine to be;
It was for me Thy blood was shed
On the cross of Calvary.
Take me, Jesus, I am Thine,
Wholly Thine, forevermore;
Blessèd Jesus, Thou art mine,
Dwell within forevermore;
Cleanse, O cleanse my heart from sin,
Make and keep me pure within!
It was for this Thy blood was shed
On the cross of Calvary.
Clouds and darkness veiled the sky
When the Lord was crucified;
It is finished! was His cry
When He bowed His head and died.
With this cry from Calv’ry’s tree
All the world may now go free;
It was for this that Jesus died
On the cross of Calvary.