Scripture Verse

The smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God. Revelation 8:4


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1749.

Music: Eff­ing­ham, in The Sac­red Harp or Ec­lec­tic Har­mo­ny, ed­it­ed by Lo­well Ma­son & Ti­mo­thy B. Ma­son (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Tru­man & Smith, 1859) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


O Thou, our Sav­ior, bro­ther, friend,
Behold a cloud of in­cense rise;
The pray­ers of saints to Hea­ven as­cend,
Grateful, ac­cept­ed sac­ri­fice.

Regard our pray­ers for Zi­on’s peace;
Shed in our hearts Thy love abroad;
Thy gifts abun­dant­ly in­crease;
Enlarge, and fill us all with God.

Before Thy sheep, great Shep­herd, go,
And guide into Thy per­fect will;
Cause us Thy hal­lowed name to know,
The work of faith in us ful­fill.

Help us to make our call­ing sure;
O let us all be saints in­deed,
And pure, as Thou Thy­self art pure,
Conformed in all things to our head.

Take the dear pur­chase of Thy blood:
Thy blood shall wash us white as snow;
Present us sanc­ti­fied to God,
And per­fect­ed in love be­low.