Scripture Verse

Why will you die, O house of Israel? For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live! Ezekiel 18:31–32


Josiah Hopkins (1786–1862)

Words: Sam­son Oc­com (1723–1792).

Music: Ex­pos­tu­la­tion Jo­si­ah Hop­kins, in The Chris­tian Lyre (with­out at­tri­bu­tion), edited by Jo­shua Lea­vitt (New York: Jo­na­than Lea­vitt, 1830) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Samson Occom (1723–1792)
National Portrait Gallery



O turn ye, O turn ye, for why will ye die,
When God, in great mercy, is coming so nigh?
Now Je­sus invites you, the Spir­it says Come!
And angels are waiting to welcome you home.

How vain the delusion, that while you delay
Your hearts may grow better, your chains melt away!
Come guilty, come wretched, come just as you are;
All helpless and dying, to Je­sus repair.

The contrite in heart he will freely receive,
O why will you not the glad message be­lieve?
If sin be your bur­den, why will you not come?
’Tis you He makes welcome, He bids you come home.