Scripture Verse

Ye shine as lights in the world. Philippians 2:15


Words: John Arm­strong, The Pas­tor in His Clo­set 1847, alt.

Music: So­lo­thurn tra­di­tion­al Swiss me­lo­dy (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

John Armstrong (1813–1856)


O Thou who mak­est souls to shine
With light from bright­er worlds above,
Now send Thy glist­en­ing dew di­vine
On all who seek a Sav­ior’s love!

Do Thou Thy be­ne­dict­ion give
On all who teach, on all who learn,
That all Thy Church may ho­li­er live,
And ev­ery lamp more bright­ly burn.

Give those that teach pure hearts and wise,
Faith, hope, and love, all warmed by pray­er;
Themselves first train­ing for the skies,
They best will raise their peo­ple there.

Give those, who learn, the will­ing ear,
The spir­it meek, the guile­less mind;
Such gifts will make the low­li­est here
Far better than a king­dom find.

O bless the shep­herd! bless the sheep!
That guide and guid­ed both be one;
One in the faith­ful watch they keep,
Until this hur­ry­ing life be gone.

If thus, good Lord, Thy grace be giv’n,
Our glo­ry meets us ere we die;
Before we up­ward pass to Heav’n,
We taste our im­mor­tal­ity.