Scripture Verse

Art not Thou God in Heaven? 2 Chronicles 20:6


Words: Tho­mas Wis­tar, in The Wes­ley­an Me­tho­dist Hym­nal (Sy­ra­cuse, New York: Wes­ley­an Me­tho­dist Church of Am­eri­ca, 1910), num­ber 723.

Music: Al­ma Ma­ter (Kos­chat) Tho­mas Ko­schat (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wis­tar (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Thomas Koschat


Our Father in Heav­en, Cre­at­or of all,
O Source of all wis­dom, on Thee would we call;
Thou on­ly canst teach us, and show us our need,
And give to Thy child­ren true know­ledge indeed,
And give to Thy child­ren true know­ledge indeed.

But vain our in­struct­ion, and blind we must be,
Unless with our learn­ing be know­ledge of Thee;
Then pour forth Thy Spir­it, and op­en our eyes,
And fill with the know­ledge that on­ly makes wise
And fill with the know­ledge that on­ly makes wise.

From pride and pre­sump­tion, O Lord, keep us free,
And make our hearts hum­ble, and loy­al to thee;
That liv­ing or dy­ing, in Thee we may rest,
And prove to the scorn­ful, Thy sta­tutes are best,
And prove to the scorn­ful, Thy sta­tutes are best.

Our fair Al­ma Ma­ter, O strength­en her days
To send forth for­ev­er true sons to her praise;
O wid­en her bor­ders, ex­tend her fair fame,
And let all the glo­ry re­dound to Thy name,
And let all the gl­ory re­dound to Thy name.