A pure river of water of life, clear as crystal.
Revelation 22:1
Words: Helen A. Rains, in Songs of Gratitude, edited by James Fillmore (Cincinnati, Ohio: Fillmore Brothers, 1877), pages 18–19.
Music: James H. Fillmore, Sr. (🔊
Over the river,
The bright, crystal river,
They wait us, the friends
We have loved that are gone;
The light of whose smiles
Shall be with us forever,
The clasp of whose hands shall
Be never withdrawn.
Over the river,
Over the river,
Over the river,
They beckon us home.
Over the river,
The bright, crystal river,
The dayspring of love
And existence divine;
Illumines the eye
As the rays of the morning
Whose flashes of glory
Will never decline.
Over the river,
The bright, crystal river,
They beckon to us
From the opposite shore.
The saints who were cleansed by
The blood of our Savior,
They whisper, Come hither,
And sorrow no more.