Scripture Verse

A great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests. Luke 2:13–14


Eliza E. Hewitt (1851–1920)

Words: Eli­za E. Hew­itt, in Sun­day School Hymns No. 1, ed­it­ed by Is­aac H. Me­re­dith, Grant C. Tul­lar, & Jo­seph W. Ler­man (New York: Tul­lar-Me­re­dith, 1903).

Music: Yu­ma E. G. Snell­ing (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Snell­ing’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Peaceful the won­drous night,
Peaceful and ho­ly,
Under the sil­ve­ry light,
Gleaming afar.
Faithfully watch­ing there,
Shepherds so low­ly,
Over the hills so fair,
Saw glo­ry’s star.


Hail to the star­ry night,
Sparkling with glo­ry;
Angels on wings of light,
Thronging the sky.
Hail to that star­ry night!
Wondrous its sto­ry:
Jesus the Prince of Light,
Came from above.

Come with that shep­herd band,
Come to the man­ger;
Join in the chor­us grand,
Glory to God!
Worship the ho­ly Child,
Wonderful Stran­ger,
Give to the Un­de­filed,
Glory and laud.


Sweet favor, thus to bow,
Love’s trea­sure bring­ing,
Gratefully yield­ing now,
Life’s joy­ful praise.
Hear from the heav’n­ly height,
Glad ech­oes ring­ing,
Blessing and pow­er and might,
Through end­less days.
