Scripture Verse

The Lord moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to make a proclamation throughout his realm and also to put it in writing: This is what Cyrus king of Persia says: The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and He has appointed me to build a temple for Him at Jerusalem in Judah. Any of His people among you may go up, and may the Lord their God be with them. Chronicles 36:22–23


Howard Doane (1832–1915)

Words: Eva M. Smith, The Field Is the World 1878.

Music: Ado­ra­tion (Doane) W. How­ard Doane, 1883 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Eva M. Smith (1843–1915)


Land of ori­ent­al splen­dor,
Worshiping the sun and flame,
Trusting blind­ly to the Ko­ran,
Learn to love the Sav­ior’s name.

Reject pan­the­is­tic teach­ings!
From Ma­ho­met turn away!
What re­sults arise from sun-praise?
Learn to love the heav­en­ly rays.

That alone can give souls cleans­ing,
That alone can make souls light,
Learn of Je­sus and His wor­ship,
And the on­ly path of right.

Ancient most of all the em­pires
Of which his­to­ry doth tell;
Cyrus’ home, and Ar­ta­xer­xes’,
Whom their fol­low­ers served so well.

Land that held the cap­tive Jew­ess—
Esther, loved and love­ly queen;
Home of King Aha­shue­rus;
Clime of won­drous far Bah­rein.

We are moved to speak thy prais­es,
We would recog­nize the aid
Thy brave daugh­ters ev­er have
To our mis­sion­ar­ies paid.

Persia’s daugh­ters toil for Per­sia,
With the heart’s best, warm­est love,
Pointing souls in dar­kness, wan­der­ing,
To the sun­lit home above.

May she set the bright ex­am­ple,
Till all coun­tries fol­low suit—
China’s daugh­ters toil for Chi­na;
Then the work will bear much fruit.

When the dark-eyed hea­then maiden
Of the Asi­at­ic sea,
And when Af­ric’s sons and daug­hters
Give their days to teach of Thee.

Persia! land of unique beau­ty!
Lovelier tex­tures ne’er were seen
Than are wov­en by thy skilled ones,
Out of wool and silk­en sheen.

Persia, we have sent as­sist­ance,
And we send as­sist­ance still;
For God al­ways doub­ly helps those
Who but help them­selves with will.