Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised.
1 Chronicles 16:25
Words: Thomas B. Wireback, 1890.
Music: Dehradun Thomas B. Wireback, 1890 (🔊
Praise to God our heav’nly Father,
Praise to Christ th’eternal Son,
Praise be to the Holy Spirit,
Great Jehovah, three in One.
Praises, praises, ceaseless praises,
Waft the anthem to the throne
In a grand, triumphant chorus
For the work which He has done.
Praise Him for His grand redemption,
Praise Him for His love and power,
Praise Him for His kind protection
Thrown around us to this hour.
Let our grateful hearts adore Him,
Till we reach the heav’nly shore;
Then in one long hallelujah
Praise His name for evermore.