The Lord is gracious and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.
Psalm 145:8
Words: Fanny Crosby, in The Silver Spray (Cincinnati, Ohio: John Church, 1868).
Music: Cleveland W. Howard Doane (🔊
Slow to anger, full of kindness,
Rich in mercy, Lord, Thou art,
Wash me in Thy healing fountain,
Take away my sinful heart.
I would go the pilgrim’s journey,
Onward to the promised land;
I would reach the golden city,
There to join the angel band.
Thou wilt never, never leave me,
If I give myself to Thee,
Teach, O teach me how to praise Thee,
Tell me what my life should be.
May Thy ever gracious Spirit,
Lead me in the way of truth,
May I learn the voice of wisdom,
In the early days of youth.
O! how sweet to rest confiding,
On Thy Word that cannot fail,
Strong in Thee, whate’er my trials,
Through Thy grace I must prevail.