Scripture Verse

Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: praise Him in the heights. Praise ye Him, all His angels: praise ye Him, all His hosts. Psalm 148:1–2


Words: Pa­ra­phrase of Psalm 148; au­thor un­known.

Music: Ly­dia (Steb­bins) George C. Steb­bins (1848–1945) (🔊 pdf nwc).

George Stebbins


Praise the Lord in hea­ven­ly places,
Ye His hosts and an­gels bright;
Sun and moon, de­clare His glo­ry,
Praise Him, all ye stars of light.

Let the sky and clouds for­ev­er
Praise His glo­ri­ous ma­jes­ty;
At His word they were cre­at­ed,
Ordered by His firm de­cree.

In the earth let all things praise Him,
Seas and all that they con­tain,
Stormy winds that do His plea­sure,
Hail and light­ning, snow and rain.

Hills and mount­ains, praise your mak­er,
Praise Him, all ye flocks and herds,
Woods and fields and fruit­ful vine­yards,
Creeping things and fly­ing birds.

Kings and princ­es, bow be­fore Him,
Earthly judg­es, give Him praise,
All ye peo­ple, tell His glo­ry,
Old and young, your voic­es raise.

Praise His name with praise un­end­ing,
For His name alone is great;
Over Hea­ven and earth ex­alt­ed,
Reigns the Lord in king­ly state.

He has greatly blessed His peo­ple,
Therefore, all ye saints, give praise;
Chosen of the Lord and pre­cious,
Thankful hal­le­lu­jahs raise.