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Scripture Verse

The same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8


Frederick A. Graves

Words & Mu­sic: Fred­er­ick A. Graves, 1899 (🔊 ). Ap­peared in The Joy Bells of Ca­naan or Burn­ing Bush Songs No. 2, ed­it­ed by Duke M. Far­son, Ed­win L. Har­vey & F. M. Mes­sen­ger (Wau­ke­sha, Wis­con­sin: Me­tro­po­li­tan Church As­so­cia­tion, 1905), num­ber 8.


When Ab­ra­ham and Sa­rah
Had pro­mised them a son,
They were sur­prised and knew not what to say;
But they knew what God had pro­mised
He was able to per­form:
And the pow­er of God is just the same to­day.


The pow’r of God is just the same to­day,
It doesn’t mat­ter what the peo­ple say;
Whatever God has pro­mised, He’s able to per­form:
And the pow­er of God is just the same to­day.

When Mos­es want­ed wa­ter
To quench the peo­ple’s thirst,
He knew that God would then pro­vide a way;
Although his rod was use­ful
He had the pow­er first:
And the pow­er of God is just the same to­day.


When Mo­ses made a ser­pent
And placed it on a pole,
The bit­ten ones were told to look that way,
And then while they were look­ing
Jehovah-ro­phi made them whole:
And the pow­er of God is just the same to­day.


When Jo­shua was com­mand­er,
He spoke—the sun stood still,
The moon its on­ward course was made to stay;
Thus he won a migh­ty bat­tle,
For he did his Fa­ther’s will:
And the pow­er of God is just the same to­day.


When Na­aman, the le­per,
Before Eli­sha stood,
He thought he knew just what the seer would say,
But he had to wash in Jor­dan,
Though he thought it wasn’t good:
And the pow­er of God is just the same to­day.


When Da­vid met Go­li­ath
He meant to have a fight,
The lead­ers put the bat­tle in ar­ray;
Of course he killed the gi­ant,
For he was in the right:
And the pow­er of God is just the same to­day.


When Jo­nah went to Tar­shish
To flee away from God,
A migh­ty fish was wait­ing for its prey;
It quick­ly swal­lowed Jo­nah,
Then threw him on the sod:
And the pow­er of God is just the same to­day.


When Da­ni­el was in hon­or,
Above the hon­ored men,
The or­ders were that none to God should pray;
But he knew the God of pow­er
Was in the li­on’s den:
And the pow­er of God is just the same to-day.


When Ma­la­chi, the pro­phet,
Was preach­ing all abroad,
And cut­ting like the sic­kle and the scythe;
The peo­ple were ac­curs­èd,
For they were rob­bing God,
They failed to bring the of­fer­ing and the tithe.


Then came the bless­èd Sav­ior,
With pow­er to cleanse and heal,
To bear my sin and sick­ness all away;
My bur­dens, too, He car­ries,
And doth my sor­rows feel:
And the pow­er of God is just the same to­day.


Through Paul and Si­las sing­ing
And pray­ing in the jail,
For Paul and Si­las knew the way to pray;
The pri­son doors were op­ened,
For locks could not avail,
And the pow­er of God is just the same to­day.


David & Goliath
James Tissot (1836–1902)