Scripture Verse

Sir, we would see Jesus. John 12:21


Robert E. W. Cottrill (1941–2019)

Words: Ro­bert E. W. Cot­trill, cir­ca 1975.

Music: Fair Ha­vens Ro­bert E. W. Cot­trill, cir­ca 1975 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Cottrill wrote this hymn at the Fair Ha­vens Chris­tian camp near Bea­ver­ton, On­ta­rio, Ca­na­da. At the camp en­trance was a sign that said Sirs, we would see Je­sus. The oth­er side of the sign, vi­si­ble on de­par­ture, read, We be­held His glo­ry. The sign, based on John 12:21 and John 1:14, in­spired the lyr­ics for this hymn.


Here we would see Je­sus, wea­ried with the jour­ney,
We turn again to be re­newed and know His touch of pow’r.
Yes, we would see Je­sus thru the Scrip­tures shin­ing;
Lord, lift the veil of earth­ly sense and meet us in this hour.

We beheld His glo­ry, thus when home­ward wend­ing,
Our hearts will ec­ho with the chorus of re­deem­ing love.
We be­held His glo­ry, and go forth to serve Him,
Till faith gives way to joy­ous sight in man­sions up above.