Scripture Verse

This night thy soul shall be required of thee. Luke 12:20


George Stebbins

Words: Tho­mas O. Chis­holm, in Al­ex­an­der’s Gos­pel Songs and So­los, ed­it­ed by Charles M. Al­ex­an­der (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Ster­ling Mu­sic, 1917).

Music: George C. Steb­bins (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thomas O. Chisholm


O thought­less one, to for­give­ness a stran­ger,
Prepare to meet thy God!
Condemned, un­done, yet so blind to thy dan­ger,
Prepare to meet thy God!
He doth com­mand thee to re­pent,
To save thy soul, His Son hath sent,
Yet t’ward de­struct­ion thou art bent,
Prepare to meet thy God!

For all thy past, full ac­count thou must ren­der,
Prepare to meet thy God!
As yet thou hast, for that hour, no de­fend­er,
Prepare to meet thy God!
Before His dread­ful judg­ment throne,
How canst thou bear to stand alone,
With none thy hope­less cause to own?
Prepare to meet thy God!

Wilt thou de­lay, when thou hast not a rea­son?
Prepare to meet thy God!
Or think to say, a con­ven­ient sea­son?
Prepare to meet thy God!
Today the ve­ry last may be,
How wouldst thou an­swer Him, should He
This night re­quire thy soul of thee?
Prepare to meet thy God!

Eternity! where, O where wilt thou spend it?
Prepare to meet thy God!
There’s hope for thee, but a mo­ment may end it,
Prepare to meet thy God!
O haste to flee the wrath to come,
In Christ find re­fuge, rest, and home,
Ere long will toll the bells of doom!
Prepare to meet thy God!