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Scripture Verse

I the Lord am thy Savior and thy Redeemer. Isaiah 60:16


Horatio Palmer

Words: Ho­ra­tio R. Pal­mer, in Up­lift­ing Songs, New and Old, ed­it­ed by Charles C. Case & James R. Mur­ray (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1896).

Music: Ca­bin John Ho­ra­tio R. Pal­mer, 1896 (🔊 ).


Precious Sav­ior, dear Re­deem­er,
Thy sweet mes­sage now im­part;
May Thy Spir­it, pure and fer­vid,
Enter ev­ery ti­mid heart;
Carry there the swift con­vict­ion,
Turning back the sin­ful tide;
Precious Sav­ior, dear Re­deem­er,
May each soul in Thee abide.

Precious Sav­ior, dear Re­deem­er,
We are weak, but Thou art strong;
In Thy in­fi­nite com­pass­ion,
Stay the tide of sin and wrong;
Keep Thy lov­ing arms around us,
Keep us in the nar­row way;
Precious Sav­ior, dear Re­deem­er,
Let us nev­er from Thee stray.

Precious Sav­ior, dear Re­deem­er,
Thou wilt bind the brok­en heart;
Let not sor­rows ov­er­whelm us,
Dry the bit­ter tears that start;
Curb the winds and calm the bil­lows,
Bid the ang­ry tem­pest cease;
Precious Sav­ior, dear Re­deem­er,
Grant us ev­er­last­ing peace.